Lisa Dawn Bolton

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Spiced Dutch Baby {and Top Five Dutch Baby Recipes}

I made this totally because of the name...

Dutch Baby by Food Well Said

... and what you get to cook it in.


(Dutch Baby by Fifteen Spatulas)

Wood & cast iron are my absolute two favourite things to present food on/in.  If you know me, you know I have an incredible affinity toward family style plating.  Wood and cast iron make complete sense to me as the best things to serve something a family would share.


(Dutch Baby from Alaska From Scratch)

My therapist and I only recently did a little self discovery as to why these two surfaces draw up such a warm and affectionate emotion in me and it's pretty obviously traced to growing up in a family that spent many summers camping in the great outdoors. We camped a LOT. Like a LOT. I have the absolute fondest memories of setting up tarps & tents.  I have story upon story of building fish smokers on the beach out of willow trees & cardboard, or digging deep holes in the sand only to throw in hot coals and a raw roast. I was blessed with parents who were foodies ahead of their time.   We were cedar planking long before you could find cedar planks at a local grocer.  Mandrell said it best...we were simply country when country wasn't cool.


(Dutch Baby from Simply Recipes)

Our camping trips always included a cast iron frying pan and the echoing words of my father - leave the cast iron for me to wash, and make sure no soap touches it. Next to his tackle box, it was a sacred piece of equipment.

Dutch Baby.  It was only recently I heard the word dutch baby... a fantastic name, for really a fantastic breakfast.  At a cross between a pancake and a crepe it's pretty much a no brainer. I take a lot of pride in my ability to make a pretty amazing pancake.  My dad's culinary wheelhouse was (is) weekend breakfasts and grilling.  And camping meant dad was donning the chefs hat much of the time.  I remember pancakes were his "thing" and there may have been Cheese Whiz in our fridge, but there was never pancake mix in our pantry. There was just dad and a bowl and a whisk... add wet to dry to wet (gasp!) until the right consistency was achieved and then stealing the show with his ability to flip a hotcake in the air. (FYI Dad... I have sinced tried that... not really that hard mister)


(Gluten Free Dutch Baby from Memento Bracelet)

This is my first "round up" style of post.  As much as I like to think I can make the best {insert anything here} out there, there are so so many absolutely incredible home cookers/bakers, it would be a crime not share.  So I have rounded up some of my favourite Dutch Baby recipes and if you like that, I will continue to do so with other recipes.  I know I appreciate being able to pick a particular recipe that maybe appeals to me (and what I have in my fridge/pantry) , and maybe you do to.

Apple Baked Dutch Baby

(Apple Baked Dutch Baby by A Pretty Life in the Suburbs)

So this weekend, maybe change things up for Pancake Saturday/Sunday and give one of these Dutch Baby recipes a try. I think you can't go wrong with any of these five...

Dutch Baby by Food Well Said

...or the one I served up this past weekend. Enjoy!

Spiced Dutch Baby

Author: Food Well Said, by

The Dutch Baby is an easy, (all in the blender) breakfast that is a cross between a pancake and a crepe. Easily topped with any kind of fruit, a kid & grown up favourite!


  • 2 teaspoons unsalted butter
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon light molasses
  • 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • Powdered sugar, for dusting


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Place butter in cast iron pan and into oven to preheat.
  3. Put eggs, sugar & molasses in a blender or food processor and mix for 2 minutes.
  4. Add remaining ingredients (except powdered sugar) to blender and process until smooth. Set aside.
  5. Remove cast iron from oven and swirl butter around so all sides are coated. Pour blender contents into hot cast iron and place in oven for 18 minutes, checking at 15.
  6. Use spatula to remove from pan, and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
